The Heart Sutra (Poster Design, Typography Design, Art & Design Lab)

Date: April 2011
Skills: art & design lab

Hong Kong Graphic Design Hong Kong Graphic Design Hong Kong Graphic Design Hong Kong Graphic Design

The Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra, many people also know to be “Buddha” classics, this work also in Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards 2011 winners Silver and Hong Kong Best. The work by Chinese contemporary typeface design approach, re-copied by using a computer, font design concept to the skeleton as the foundation of geometry combine style calligraphy pen for some finishing decoration, the whole arrangement is to use the font grid system made into a poster.

2013: 傑出華文漢字設計作品展﹣般若波羅蜜多心經 – Selected Exhibitions
2011: Hong Kong Designers Association Global Design Awards 2011 Typography – Silver and Hong Kong Best Awards

Poster Design / Typography Design